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The objective of this study was to assess the drug–drug interactions (DDIs) through prescription analysis among the inpatients of a South Indian teaching hospital.


The study was a prospective observational prescription analysis conducted for a period of 6 months, from October 2010 to March 2011. The prescriptions having two or more drugs and where a DDI was suspected were selected by the physician in charge of the ward. The drugs in the prescription were then entered into the drug interaction checker software. The DDIs were classified based on the mechanism of interactions, severity of interactions, relation to the number of drugs prescribed, and disease conditions were also determined.


A total of 204 prescriptions were analyzed, of which 186 prescriptions had 856 DDIs. Most of the DDIs were pharmacokinetic drug interactions (42%) followed by unknown mechanisms (34%) and pharmacodynamic mechanisms (24%). The study findings showed that the prescriptions for cardiovascular with respiratory disease conditions had the greatest number of drug interactions on average. A severity assessment showed that majority of the DDIs were moderate (70%) followed by minor (28%). The study results showed that as the number of drugs increases in a prescription, the number of DDIs also increases. The interventions determined showed that dosage adjustment (12%) was to be followed in most of the DDIs.


This study assists in understanding the factors associated with DDIs that can help in safe and effective use of drugs in the future.

Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety
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How to cite

Kulkarni V, Bora SS, Sirisha S, Saji M, Sundaran S. A study on drug–drug interactions through prescription analysis in a South Indian teaching hospital. Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety. August 2013:141-146. doi:10.1177/2042098613490009
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