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A Cumulative Review on the Utilisation of Drug Information Services Provided in India

The quantitative aspects of drug information queries were assessed. Majority of the queries were raised from the General Medicine Department (43.64%) and by clinicians (41.77%), most of them were regarding adverse drug reactions (18.17%) and the prime purpose of the enquirer was to update knowledge (46.73%). The three steps for qualitative assessment and evaluation of drug information services were assessed and the overall response from the receiver’s perspective was found to be very good/satisfactory and the provider’s perspective was rendered excellent.

There is an increased need to expand the scope of drug information services and promote awareness regarding the services, and it is recommended that every hospital have a Drug Information Centre.

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Citation Information

G K Sadagoban, Aiswarya Baiju, Samantha Sanjeev, M Ayilya, Swathi Swaroopa Borra, A cumulative review on the utilisation of drug information services provided in India, Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, 2021;, rmab029,
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