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What is the difference between Resume Vs Curriculum Vitae (CV)? Who should use resume? Who should use CV format for attending interviews?


A summary of skills, achievements, professional experience.

Usually used by graduates and those with less than 3 years experience.

Not more than 2 pages long.

Sections to include: Contact, Summary, 5 relevant achievements, 5 relevant professional skills, 5 relevant software skills, 3 latest experience, 2 latest education, 3 relevant completed projects and 3 relevant membership of professional bodies.

Format: Point forms

CV (Curriculum Vitae)

A COMPLETE historical document of a candidate comprise of skills, achievements, completed projects, completed professional courses, core values, detailed education, membership of professional bodies, etc.

Usually used by professionals with more than 3 years experience.

There are no limit for number of pages.

Sections to include: Contact, Summary, all achievements, all professional skills, all software skills, all experience, all education up to SPM, all completed projects, all membership of professional bodies, language abilities and personal attributes.

Format: Cluster and elaboration in detail.
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