PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Interested in Pharm D Course? (Doctor of Pharmacy) related details, PharmD Syllabus, Career Opportunities, Courses After PharmD in India, Frequently Asked Questions.
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unbreakable wrote:What is the average salary of Indian PharmD or Doctor of Pharmacy Graduate? Which pharmacy course graduates are highly paid?

As per our survey PharmD Graduate Salary depends on the specialty that they choose after their graduation, various PharmD designations and its related salaries were mentioned for your references. Salaries are mentioned in A Thousand per Month.

  • Clinical Pharmacist - 15 K - 40 K
  • Drug Safety Expert - 15 K - 35 K
  • Regulatory Affairs - 25 K- 40 K
  • Clinical Research - 15 K to 35 K
  • Academician(Teaching) - 18 K to 35 K

Which pharmacy course graduates are highly paid?

In India Pharmacy Courses offered as D Pharmacy, B Pharmacy, M Pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmacy and Doctorate in Pharmacy. Pharmacy Course graduates get jobs from Pharmaceutical Industries or from Healthcare service and vigilance sectors.

B Pharm and M Pharm Graduates are Highly Paid in Pharmaceutical Industry Related Jobs

PharmD or Doctor of Pharmacy Graduates are highly paid in Healthcare Service and Vigilance Sectors.

D Pharm Graduates are mainly focused on marketing jobs and community pharmacy services. their salary is low compare to other graduates in India for their services.
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