PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Learn and Discuss the Patient Education Service and Its related Techniques, Also find the Counseling Materials in Regional Language - Tamil, Telugu and Hindi
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What should be covered when counseling a patient?

+Establish relationship show interest in patient (verbal & nonverbal)

+Verify patient's name and prescriber's name

+Why the patient is being prescribed the medication (if known) or the medication’s use,
expected benefits and action

+Open the medication containers and show patient what the medication looks like, or
demonstrate use.

+How to take the medication

+When to take and how long to take the medication

+What to do if a dose is missed

+Any special precautions to follow

+Foods, alcoholic beverages or OTC’s to be avoided

+How the patient will know the medication is working

+How to store the medication

+If the prescription can be refilled, and if so, when

+Verify the patients’ knowledge and understanding

+Ask the patient if they have any questions

+Document the interaction

Patients who should always be counseled:

-Confused patients, and their caregivers

-Patients who are sight or hearing impaired

-Patients with poor literacy

-Patients whose profile shows a change in medications or dosing

-New patients, or those receiving a medication for the first time (transfer prescription)

-Children, and parents receiving medication

-Patients receiving medication with special storage requirements, complicated directions,
significant side effects

Patients who should be counseled at certain intervals:

-Asthmatic patients

-Diabetic patients

-Patients taking 4 or more prescribed medications

-Patients who are mentally ill

-Patients using appliances

-Epileptic patients

-Patients with skin complaints

-Patients misusing drugs

-Patients who are terminally ill
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