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Pathophysiology Notes- Heart Failure CCF, Cell Injury, Acute and Chronic Renal Failure, Hypertension and etc.
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Cardio vascular System: B Pharm Notes

Hypertension,congestive heart failure,ischemic heart disease(angina,myocardial infarction,atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis)

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(1.84 MiB) Downloaded 321 times
(270.98 KiB) Downloaded 285 times

Respiratory system: Asthma, Chronic obstructive airways diseases

(619.62 KiB) Downloaded 275 times
(1.08 MiB) Downloaded 291 times

Renal system: Acute and chronic renal failure

(926.6 KiB) Downloaded 285 times
(638.79 KiB) Downloaded 272 times
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