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Pharmacy NBA Accreditation Related Discussions - NBA Procedures for TIER I and TIER II Pharmacy Colleges, Self Assessment Reporting and Forms.

Moderator: Admin

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The NBA operates a two-tier system of accreditation for Diploma , Undergraduate (UG), Postgraduate (PG) pharmacy Programmes.

NBA Pharmacy TIER I Manual
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NBA Pharmacy TIER II Manual
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NBA TIER Systems in Pharmacy

  • Two separate Manuals (TIER-I and TIER-II) for Accreditation of Diploma / Undergraduate (UG) / Postgraduate (PG) Pharmacy Programmes is Provided by NBA.
  • The TIER-I document has been designed for the pharmacy programmes offered by autonomous institutions and university departments.
  • TIER-II document is fine-tuned for the needs of the non-autonomous institutions affiliated to a university.
  • In both TIER-I and TIER-II documents, the same set of criteria have been considered for accreditation.
  • In the TIER-I document, the criteria which are based on outcome parameters have been given more weightage, whereas in the TIER-II document, the weightage has been reduced, thereby, enhancing the weightage of the output-based criteria.
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