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Re: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety”

 by Adusumillipramod ¦  25 Nov 2018, 15:11 ¦  Forum: Group Discussions ¦  Topic: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety” ¦  Replies: 55 ¦  Views: 52344

Why can't we eradicate other diseases like smallpox using vaccines? Small pox is eradicated by WHO's Intensified Eradication Program began in 1967. We need to have similar immunisation programs for all the different vaccine preventable diseases(VPDs) to eradicate all these. Government of India (GoI...

Re: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety”

 by Adusumillipramod ¦  25 Nov 2018, 10:20 ¦  Forum: Group Discussions ¦  Topic: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety” ¦  Replies: 55 ¦  Views: 52344

Even after acquiring natural immunity, is vaccination needed or not? The benefits of vaccine-induced immunity are much greater and the risk is much lower: While natural immunity typically lasts longer, some vaccines produce longer-lasting immunity (such as DTaP, Hib). Vaccines often protect against...

Re: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety”

 by Adusumillipramod ¦  25 Nov 2018, 10:10 ¦  Forum: Group Discussions ¦  Topic: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety” ¦  Replies: 55 ¦  Views: 52344

In case of negative press release about a new vaccine, how one should deal with it? Negative press release in vaccine safety occurs by an unexpected series of events that initially seem to be out of control. The outcome is usually uncertain when the press release is out, and there is a threat to th...

Re: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety”

 by Adusumillipramod ¦  25 Nov 2018, 00:03 ¦  Forum: Group Discussions ¦  Topic: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety” ¦  Replies: 55 ¦  Views: 52344

If the vaccines used with in a national immunization program dose not par with WHO what are the other options available in India???? All the vaccines present in India's National Immunisation Program are WHO pre- qualified. If the vaccine is not covered in National Immunisation Program (NIP); then w...

Re: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety”

 by Adusumillipramod ¦  25 Nov 2018, 00:00 ¦  Forum: Group Discussions ¦  Topic: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety” ¦  Replies: 55 ¦  Views: 52344

Where we can get resources for patient education on vaccine safety? Resources are available in various formats—flyers, fact sheets, posters, videos and links to other useful websites. Many of such materials can be downloaded and some items can be ordered through an online ordering system. (Eg; http...

Re: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety”

 by Adusumillipramod ¦  24 Nov 2018, 23:35 ¦  Forum: Group Discussions ¦  Topic: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety” ¦  Replies: 55 ¦  Views: 52344

jerlin.asir wrote: 22 Nov 2018, 15:46 If a booster dose is missed, will it be effective if it is given after scheduled dose?
Even though if a booster dose is missed, it is advised to administer as soon as possible.
However, there should not be a huge time gap in giving that dose.

Re: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety”

 by Adusumillipramod ¦  24 Nov 2018, 23:27 ¦  Forum: Group Discussions ¦  Topic: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety” ¦  Replies: 55 ¦  Views: 52344

Jegathiskumar wrote: 22 Nov 2018, 15:29 Can SV40 in polio vaccine cause cancer?
To my knowledge the evidence/data available was inadequate to conclude whether or not the contaminated polio vaccine caused cancer.

Re: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety”

 by Adusumillipramod ¦  24 Nov 2018, 10:53 ¦  Forum: Group Discussions ¦  Topic: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety” ¦  Replies: 55 ¦  Views: 52344

What are the measures that could be taken to avoid coincidental event following vaccination? Coincidental AEFI occurs when it occurs not due to vaccine product or immunization error related. So we need to understand the pre-existing illness conditions, newly acquired illness, other exposures or spo...

Re: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety”

 by Adusumillipramod ¦  24 Nov 2018, 09:31 ¦  Forum: Group Discussions ¦  Topic: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety” ¦  Replies: 55 ¦  Views: 52344

After an ADR is reported to CDSCO ,what procedure is followed to prevent future ADR's of the same nature? After an ADR is reported to CDSCO, first they will analyze its nature (severity, seriousness, listedness etc.) at different levels. As AEFI reporting has multiple steps involved the analysis/un...

Definition: Hospitals are healthcare institut[…]

So, you've got your PharmD degree, and you're wond[…]

Introduction: Personalized medicine, also known […]

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