PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

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Any possibilities for extending the lockdown period in India?

 by Krishna K ¦  07 Apr 2020, 10:40 ¦  Forum: Corona Infection - FAQs ¦  Topic: Any possibilities for extending the lockdown period in India? ¦  Replies: 2 ¦  Views: 2218

As per central government order 21 days of lock-down is followed in India from 25th March 2020 mid night to 14 April 12 PM 2020. At present COVID-19 cases are increasing in India. At this uncertain situation i have two questions. 1. Will the government extend the lock-down period through out the nat...

Commonly Asked Questions About Pharm.D Course - Answered

 by Krishna K ¦  15 Oct 2019, 17:21 ¦  Forum: Pharm D Course ¦  Topic: Commonly Asked Questions About Pharm.D Course - Answered ¦  Replies: 0 ¦  Views: 28673

NEET exam is mandatory for Pharm.D Course Admission? No, NEET is not mandatory for Pharm.D as Eligiblity. Pharm.D Graduate can open a clinic and write prescriptions? At present, Doctor of Pharmacy graduate is not allowed to write prescriptions, but they can make their intervention on doctors prescr...

PharmD Certificate of Internship - PCI

 by Krishna K ¦  27 Sep 2019, 13:01 ¦  Forum: PharmD Internship ¦  Topic: PharmD Certificate of Internship - PCI ¦  Replies: 0 ¦  Views: 24043

The evaluation of satisfactory completion of the internship is done based on the Proficiency of knowledge, Competency, Responsibility and punctuality, Involvement in patient care, Team behavior, Initiating and participating in active discussions and research. To download Certificate PharmD Internshi...

What is the difference between IPPE and APPE ?

 by Krishna K ¦  27 Sep 2019, 12:42 ¦  Forum: PharmD Internship ¦  Topic: What is the difference between IPPE and APPE ? ¦  Replies: 0 ¦  Views: 4699

Doctor of Pharmacy students are classified as IPPE and APPE students, IPPE - Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences ( Pharm.D First Year to Third Year Students) The aim of this Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience at the entrance level is to increase student understanding of the role of pha...

NMC Bill India 2019 - Any benefits for Pharm.D Graduates?

 by Krishna K ¦  07 Aug 2019, 17:02 ¦  Forum: Pharm D Course ¦  Topic: NMC Bill India 2019 - Any benefits for Pharm.D Graduates? ¦  Replies: 2 ¦  Views: 18477

NMC Bill India 2019 - Any benefits for Pharm.D Graduates? In the National Medical Commission Bill 2019, Section 32 of the NMC Bill provides for licensing of 3.5 lakhs nonmedical persons or Community Health Providers to practice modern medicine. The details of the Section 32 - NMC Bill 2019 The Commi...

Free Download - Comprehensive Pharmacy Review - 8th edition - This book has the NAPLEX - Study Questions with answers and explanations.

Download Here -

Pharmacy Books- Download Statistics PDF Books

 by Krishna K ¦  24 Jun 2019, 19:08 ¦  Forum: Courses After Pharm D ¦  Topic: Pharmacy Books- Download Statistics PDF Books ¦  Replies: 0 ¦  Views: 7534

Applied Time Series Analysis: A Practical Guide to Modeling and Forecasting Monte Carlo Statistical Methods The Complete Idiot's Guide to Statistics, 2nd Edition Using R and RStudio for Data...

Free Pharmacoepidemiology Text Books - Download PDF

 by Krishna K ¦  28 Aug 2018, 22:19 ¦  Forum: Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics ¦  Topic: Free Pharmacoepidemiology Text Books - Download PDF ¦  Replies: 0 ¦  Views: 18552

Download Free Pharmacoepideimiology Book - Pdf Click the following link to download - Pharmacoepidemiology 3rd Edition by Brian L. Strom Click the following link to download - Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practi...

Dear Dr. Govinda, are you involved in any clinical decision making? If so , can you specify any one of such decision which made you feel proud as a clinical pharmacist. Yes I am involved in such decisions. Most of them relate to Drug dosing, Frequency, calculation and solution compatibility. a) We ...

What were your challenges during your journey as a clinical pharmacist?

Definition: Hospitals are healthcare institut[…]

So, you've got your PharmD degree, and you're wond[…]

Introduction: Personalized medicine, also known […]

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