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Medical Representative Forum - Its an open forum Indian Medical Reps to discuss about Jobs, Role and Responsibilities of MRs, and your professional experiences.
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The major role of medical representatives is to provide the scientific information to the doctors , nurses and healthcare professionals about his drugs and products.

A medical representative is a representative of a company whose job is to promote and sell their company's products, whether that's pharmaceutical drugs or medical equipment.

And the Role of the medical representative is to create demand for an existing pharma product or launch new product ensuring availability at retailers and stockiest.

The role of a Medical Representative is very challenging and a difficult task. They are the key link between medical and pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals.

Role of Medical Representative in a Pharmaceutical company

Medical Reps need to get the appointments from doctors, nurses and pharmacists to promote their product through meetings.

Sales Achievement by finding new opportunities an scopes.

Introducing a new product is a part medical representative job.

Collection of feedback from customers and providing scientific information about the drug and drug related products.
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