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NIPER Ahmedabad, An Institute of National Importance, offers independent programs in Pharmaceutical Sciences and in Pharmaceutical Management.

This programme offers courses in Management with a clear leaning on Pharmaceuticals thereby enabling the student hone his skills in the domain of Pharmaceuticals. The program in addition to traditional management subjects, also offers courses in areas like Pharmaceutical Marketing, Market research etc. lending credibility to the Pharmaceutical Focus that NIPER has been advocating.

As part of the program requirement, the students take up an 8 week internship with a company of good repute. This is followed by a detailed written report (Confidentiality aspects if any are respected and suitably taken care of) and a presentation to a team of faculty members.

Given this background we welcome you to visit our campus in Ahmedabad and participate in the Summer Internship Placement Process (On campus or Virtually) for NIPER Ahmedabad. You may get in touch with the undersigned for any clarification. #summerinternship #pharmaceuticals #marketresearch #mba

Hope to see you soon at NIPER- Ahmedabad.

Warm Regards
Nadiminti Rajesh Kumar
Assistant Professor
[email protected]
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