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List of ICH GCP Guidelines - Safety, Efficacy, Quality and Multidisciplinary Topics,
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ICH guidelines related to Pharmacovigilance are listed below; ICH E2A to E2F guidelines deals with pharmacovigilance.

  • E2a: E2a give guidelines for Clinical Safety Data Management. It also gives guidance on mechanisms for handling expedited (rapid) reporting of adverse drug reactions in the investigational phase of drug development.
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  • E2b: E2B guidelines for Data elements transmission of ICSRs (Individual Case Safety Reports). It provides guidelines on clinical safety data management and ICSR data elements transmission.
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  • E2c: It provides guidelines on PSURs (Periodic Safety Update Reports) of marketed drugs, which are having role in Periodic benefit risk evaluation report.Download Here
  • E2D: It provides guidelines for Post approval safety data management.
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  • E2E: It provides guidelines on Pharmacovigilance planning.
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  • E2F: Development Safety Update Report: It provides guidance on DSUR. It is the data from the Investigational drugs in the clinical trials, with or without having a market approval. Sponsors required to submit DSUR on every year.
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