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List of ICH GCP Guidelines - Safety, Efficacy, Quality and Multidisciplinary Topics,
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ICH just released E19 Guideline. This new guideline is proposed to provide harmonized guidance on when it would be appropriate to use a targeted approach to safety data collection in some late-stage pre-marketing or post-marketing studies, and how such an approach would be implemented.

Recognizing that protection of patient welfare during drug development is critically important, unnecessary data collection may be burdensome to patients, and serve as a disincentive to participation in clinical research. By tailoring safety data collection in some circumstances, the burden to patients would be reduced, a larger number of informative clinical studies could be carried out with greater efficiency, studies could be conducted with greater global participation, and the public health would be better served.

The proposed guideline would be consistent with risk-based approaches and quality-by-design principles.

ICH E-19 Guidelines PDF - Find Here
Last bumped by Admin on 08 Feb 2023, 19:06.
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