PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Interested in Diploma in Pharmacy Course? Find here D Pharm Syllabus, Career Opportunities, Courses After D Pharm in India, Frequently Asked Questions.
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unbreakable wrote:What is the difference between D Pharm and Pharm D courses ? Which is one best? Which course is suitable for pharmaceutical industry jobs?
D Pharm is a two-year Diploma Course in Pharmacy, whereas Pharma D is a Six year Doctorate Program. In general D Pharma graduates can start pharmacy stores and plan for higher studies like B Pharm etc. PharmD graduates are trained for clinical practice, and they can work in industry or in hospital.
D Pharm is a diploma course focusing on basic pharmacy skills, while Pharm D is a doctorate-level program with advanced clinical training. Pharm D is more comprehensive and suitable for pharmaceutical industry jobs, offering better career prospects and opportunities for clinical practice also check Is College Hard?.
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