PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

After PharmD, MS programs, Ph.D., Fellowship programs, foreign pharmacist licensure examinations like IELTS, TCQR Process, OSPAP, FPGEE and etc
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The following is a guide for use by candidates in preparing for the Knowledge Assessment of Pharmaceutical Sciences (KAPS) and outlines the subject areas that will be assessed.

KAPS confirms that you have the prerequisite knowledge and understanding of the pharmaceutical sciences required for safe and effective professional practice.

Candidates should assess their own knowledge level. This should then be evaluated as much as is practical against the material on which the examination will be formulated.

APC examinations are set on the latest information available through relevant journals, publications and textbooks. It is up to the candidate to obtain the latest information. APC does not endorse any reference sources

To download KAPS Guide follow the link - KAPS Model Question Papers

Sample Paper 1
Sample Paper 2
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Last bumped by Admin on 10 Mar 2020, 07:29.
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