PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Are you an Indian community pharmacist? Join our forum to discuss medical shop services and business ideas, online pharmacy stores, inventory management etc.
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Schedule N

List of minimum equipment for the efficient running of a pharmacy

Gives directions to Pharmacies regarding:-

a) Entrance of Pharmacy

b) Premises

c) Furniture & Apparatus

d) General Provisions.

Entrance shall bear an inscription "Pharmacy"in front

Schedule 0

Deals with the provisions applicable to disinfectant fluids.

Part 1:- Provisions applicable to black and white fluids

Part 2:- Provisions applicable to Other Disinfectants.


(A) Black fluids- Homogeneous dark brown solution of coal tar acid or similar acids.

(B) White fluids- Finely dispersed homogeneous emulsion of coal tar acid or similar acids
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