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Dear all for starting new Pharm D and Bachelor of Pharmacy (Practice) the condition which is laid down by PCI that they should have B.Pharm College those only will get permission is not required mandatory I feel technically even if somebody want to start direct B.Pharm (practice) and Pharm D new institute (they do not have earlier B. Pharm) give them permission the present condition is appropriate for Pharm D ( POST BACCALUERATE)that they should have B.Pharm if directly going for Pharm D PB only thing look at that they feel specified requirement mainly hospital, community pharmacy etc.
If you modify this one there are many medical, ayurvedic institute will come ahead to start only Pharm D and B.Pharm (Practice) which crate more of jobs the current condition of PCI for B.Pharm Practice and Pharmm D respectively
b)Bachelor of Pharmacy (Practice) course shall be permitted only in those institutions which are approved by the Pharmacy Council of India for B.Pharm course under section 12 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948.
d)The applicant should have been approved under section 12 of the Pharmacy Act 1948 for the conduct of B.Pharm course.
what is ur opinion
Dear Sir
Whatever you said is right but very few people are interested in betterment of profession..
here I think that somebody or through this group we should bring to the notice of PCI that give directly permission to new Pharm D and B. Pharm (Practice) institutes .
Also try harmonize the Pharmacy education norms between AICTE and PCI now this year AICTE agree as per PCI 100 is maximum intake for B.Pharm but at the same time for new institute they have give permission of 50 seats only in single shift so it become problem at administration level for staff appointment and approval at University level, PCI, AICTE, DTE level .
They should make only one regulatory body and keep same norms all over India
here is again issue of staff appointment approval by universities in some of state universities as per AICTE colleges running M.Pharm in nearly 50 subjects and teaching approval is in only 4 subjects such all issues required to address
Another thing no doubt no of colleges are more in south India but how many are up to mark so its better to give permission direct Pharm D B.Pharm (Practice) permission if they full fill norms
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