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Dear all,

You Can Save Lives, You Can Help Someone if You Are Aware of Difference between Sadness & Depression, If you know Who is At Risk Of Suicide & How to Approach someone at distress.

According to World Health Organization, Depression is emerging public health issue and suicide in relation to Depression is serious concern.

In our efforts to create awareness in this regard we have come up with 30 Minutes learning module. It provides glimpse into all aspects of Depression including the suicide risk assessment and Mangement principles according to WHO.

We have enabled access to useful Kannada & English information links & downloads.

The access is fully free

Please follow the Simple process.

download the “ ENHANZED “ app in your iPhone/ IPad or your Android phone & please sign up / register once. Then search or explore “Depression “ Subscribe and the entire module is available.


On the WEB platform, ( Only on laptop/ desktop) the user can click on this link
i. User can login using facebook account and access the “DEPRESSION CONTENT”

Please feel free to send us feedback.

Kindly spread a word to all those whom you think may benefit from this.

Dr M Kishor MD
Convener IPS Combat Depression Task Force
Associate Professor of Psychiatry
JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research.
Email [email protected]
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