PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Cancer Patients Forum open for cancer patients to share their experiences and challenges with other patients and healthcare professionals. Ask questions? find support
Forum rules: The material, content provided by this forum is for informational purpose only and is not intended for substitute to medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.General rules are applicable for this forum- Find Here
-Take it easy.
-Don't compare your body to how it was before chemotherapy.
-Drink lots of water.
-Go for a walk every day, if possible.Try to eat something. Find foods you can keep down.
-Take along a small album with photos of your loved ones and favorite places. Looking at the photos may inspire you or help you build determination.
-Include healthy snacks or chewing gum.
-Don't let yourself be pressured into a particular treatment option. Pick what you feel most comfortable with.
- Making a treatment decision now doesn't bind you to that option. Tell your doctor if you're having second thoughts. Significant side effects may make you want to change your treatment plan.
-Investigate what types of treatment will be covered by your insurance. If a treatment or aspect of a treatment isn't covered, can you afford it?
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