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ADME process, One compartment open model, Multicompartment models,Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics,Noncompartmental Pharmacokinetics, Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
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Drug absorption is a critical process that determines how a medication enters the body and reaches its target site. Biopharmaceutics, the study of how drugs interact with the body, plays a vital role in understanding and optimizing drug absorption.

The process of drug absorption begins at the site of administration, whether it's oral, topical, intravenous, or other routes. Biopharmaceutics examines various factors that influence drug absorption, such as drug formulation, physicochemical properties of the drug, and the physiological characteristics of the site of administration.

One important concept in biopharmaceutics is bioavailability, which refers to the fraction of a drug that reaches the systemic circulation and is available to produce its therapeutic effect. Bioavailability is influenced by drug solubility, dissolution rate, permeability across biological membranes, and potential interactions with other substances.

Various techniques and technologies have been developed to enhance drug absorption and improve bioavailability. For example, formulation approaches such as using different excipients or drug delivery systems can enhance drug solubility or promote sustained release, leading to better absorption and prolonged therapeutic effects.
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