PharmD Info

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What is the pathway for a new vaccine introduction?

Explained the simple straightforward P-cycle. As follows in a nutshell:

1. Problem: A public health problem is detected. An outbreak of infectious disease.

2. Publication: The scientific evidence of the problem is collected, collated and published in a peer-reviewed journal. Unless published in a peer-reviewed journal, the credibility of the evidence is lost.

3. Prioritization: Amongst the existing and emerging problems, one needs to prioritize.

4. Policy: Based on published evidence a policy needs to be taken by appropriate bodies.

5. Product: Explore available vaccines/ drugs/ diagnostics/ other product solutions

6. Price: Explore what is the cost of the product

7. Paisa: Funding in Indian languages. Where will the funding come from?

8. Procurement: Once the source of Paisa is determined, procurement begins.

9. Planning: The planning for the program; Also, the choice of product has a role in the planning.

10. Personnel: Capacity building & training.

11. Program: Paisa, Product, Plan in place, program rolls out

12. Problem: As the program moves on, new problems are identified, and the cycle repeated.

Every step critical, including Point # 2.
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