PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Guidelines for PharmD Internship, Hospital Training, Internship During COVID19, Clinical Pharmacy Activity Documentation Forms and etc.
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About the internship/job

Roles and Responsibilities:

1. Generating and screening ideas for new products
2. Checking the prescription for clinically significant drug interactions, ADRs and making necessary adjustments
3. Counsel patients about the disease, drug therapy, lifestyle modifications, and prevention
4. Providing services like prescription audit, ADR reporting, prevention, and management
5. Provide unbiased, critically evaluated drug information to healthcare professionals

Initial job responsibilities for 1 month:

Develop engaging, creative, innovative content on therapeutics/nutrition/natural remedies that enlightens audiences and promote brand-focused messages

Who can apply:

Pharma graduates: Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD), and Pharmacy Practice (M.Pharm.,)

Can start the internship for 6 months between Sep '21 and Feb '22

The hiring for this internship will be online and the company will provide work from home (Timings: Day time)

Stipends: 15000 Rs /month


Certificate, Letter of recommendation, and Flexible work hours

Please connect with us directly at [email protected]
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