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In this discussion the followings can be discussed,

1. What is sensitivity analysis?

2. What is the importance of Sensitivity Analysis?

3. How to do Pharmacoeconomic Sensitivity analysis?.

You can have the discussion on the above discussion points and members can ask questions and provide answers during the discussions. At the end of discussion everyone should have clear understanding on How to do Pharmacoeconomic Sensitivity Analysis.

Note: Your Answers/ Questions Should be in your own words- Dont Copy Paste any Contents from other sites/ materials
Sensitivity analysis is the process by which the robustness of a cost-utility analysis (CUA) is assessed by examining the changes in the results of the analysis when key variables are varied.

Sensitivity analysis should include univariate (simple) analysis and multivariate analysis. When undertaking detailed analysis, probabilistic sensitivity analysis may be necessary. Any uncertainty in the analysis should be fully tested and described in the report.
1.Sensitivity analysis is the process by which the robustness of a cost-utility analysis (CUA) is assessed by examining the changes in the results of the analysis when key variables are varied.The analysis should include univariate and multivariate sensitivity analyses. When undertaking detailed analyses, probabilistic sensitivity analysis should be considered.
Steps for conducting any pharmacoeconomic analysis are as follows:
(1) defining the problem,
(2) determining the study's perspective,
(3) determining the alternatives and outcomes,
(4) selecting the appropriate pharmacoeconomic method,
(5) placing monetary values on the outcomes,
(6) identifying study resources,
(7) establishing the probabilities of the outcomes,
(8) applying decision analysis,
(9) discounting costs or performing a sensitivity or incremental cost analysis, and
(10) presenting the results, along with any limitations of the study. By adhering to the analytic steps described, the pharmacist undertaking a pharmacoeconomic evaluation has the greatest likelihood of obtaining valid and useful results.

Can we use the same procedure for sensitivity analysis also?
aleeshababu wrote:1.Sensitivity analysis is the process by which the robustness of a cost-utility analysis (CUA) is assessed by examining the changes in the results of the analysis when key variables are varied.The analysis should include univariate and multivariate sensitivity analyses. When undertaking detailed analyses, probabilistic sensitivity analysis should be considered.

What is multivariate and uni-variate sensitivity analysis?
Diya Varghese Wilson wrote:1.Sensitivity analysis is the process by which the robustness of a cost-utility analysis (CUA) is assessed by examining the changes in the results of the analysis when key variables are varied.
Sensitivity analysis should include univariate (simple) analysis and multivariate analysis. When undertaking detailed analysis, probabilistic sensitivity analysis may be necessary. Any uncertainty in the analysis should be fully tested and described in the report.
What is probabilistic sensitivity analysis? How you do? When you do that?
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