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Pharmaceutical instruments which are used for analysis, formulation, drug development etc are discussed. e.g. HPLC, Friability tester
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High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a powerful analytical technique that is widely used in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and biotechnology industries to separate and analyze a wide range of compounds. HPLC detectors are an integral part of the HPLC system and are responsible for detecting and measuring the analytes eluting from the column. In this article, we will discuss the different types of HPLC detectors and their applications.

UV-Visible Detector

The UV-Visible detector is the most commonly used detector in HPLC. It works by detecting the absorption of ultraviolet and visible light by the analyte. This type of detector is suitable for the analysis of compounds that absorb UV or visible light, such as aromatic compounds, peptides, and nucleotides.

Fluorescence Detector

Fluorescence detectors are used to detect fluorescent compounds, which emit light when excited by a light source. This type of detector is highly sensitive and is commonly used for the analysis of drugs, pesticides, and environmental contaminants.

Refractive Index Detector

Refractive index detectors measure the difference in refractive index between the mobile phase and the analyte. This type of detector is suitable for the analysis of non-chromophoric compounds, such as sugars, alcohols, and amino acids.

Electrochemical Detector

Electrochemical detectors measure the change in current or potential caused by the oxidation or reduction of the analyte. This type of detector is highly sensitive and selective and is commonly used for the analysis of neurotransmitters, amino acids, and pesticides.

Mass Spectrometry Detector

Mass spectrometry detectors are used to detect and identify compounds based on their molecular weight and fragmentation pattern. This type of detector is highly sensitive and selective and is commonly used for the analysis of drugs, metabolites, and biomolecules.

Diode Array Detector

Diode array detectors measure the UV-Visible spectrum of the eluting compounds, allowing for the detection and identification of multiple compounds in a single run. This type of detector is suitable for the analysis of complex mixtures, such as natural products and food additives.

Charged Aerosol Detector

Charged aerosol detectors measure the charge distribution of the analyte particles, allowing for the detection of non-chromophoric and non-fluorescent compounds. This type of detector is highly sensitive and is commonly used for the analysis of pharmaceuticals, polymers, and surfactants.

In conclusion, HPLC detectors play a crucial role in the separation and analysis of compounds by HPLC. By understanding the principles and applications of different types of HPLC detectors, scientists, and researchers can select the most appropriate detector for their analytical needs.
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