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Pharmaceutical instruments which are used for analysis, formulation, drug development etc are discussed. e.g. HPLC, Friability tester
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High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a widely used analytical technique for separating, identifying, and quantifying components in a sample. It is a powerful tool that provides a high level of accuracy and precision in analyzing complex mixtures. In this article, we will provide a beginner's guide to HPLC, including its basic principles, components, and applications.

Principles of HPLC

HPLC is based on the principles of liquid chromatography, which involves the separation of components of a sample based on their interactions with a stationary phase and a mobile phase. In HPLC, the stationary phase is typically a column packed with a solid support material, while the mobile phase is a liquid that is pumped through the column. The components in the sample interact with the stationary phase and are separated based on their unique physicochemical properties such as size, charge, and polarity.

Components of HPLC

The main components of an HPLC system include a pump, injector, column, detector, and data system. The pump is responsible for delivering the mobile phase at a constant flow rate, while the injector introduces the sample into the mobile phase stream. The column contains the stationary phase, and the detector detects the separated components as they elute from the column. The data system records and processes the signals from the detector.

Applications of HPLC

HPLC is a versatile technique that is used in a wide range of applications, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, food and beverage, environmental analysis, and forensics. It is particularly useful in the analysis of complex mixtures such as natural products, pharmaceutical formulations, and biological samples. HPLC is commonly used for the analysis of drug products, including raw materials, intermediates, and finished products, and is a key tool in drug development and quality control.


In conclusion, HPLC is a powerful analytical technique that provides high accuracy and precision in the separation, identification, and quantification of components in a sample. It is widely used in various industries and fields, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, food and beverage, and environmental analysis. By understanding the basic principles and components of HPLC, beginners can better appreciate its applications and potential as a valuable analytical tool.
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