PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Telehealth and Telepharmacy Services Like, E sanjeevani, Telemedicine Companies, Online Consultation Procedures and etc
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Listed the Indian hospitals where you can get the best telemedicine services or consultation in India. Rated based on the years of telemedicine services and the specialties covered through telemedicine or telehealth services.

1. Amrita Telemedicine Services

Specialties : Tele-Cardiology, Tele- Radiology, Tele- Dermatology, Tele- Pathology, Tele- Ophthalmology, Tele- Psychiatrics, Tele- Mentoring and Mobile Telemedicine Unit.

Book of an Appointment: Click Here or 0484-2851234 / 0484-6681234

2. e-Hospital or AIIMS - Telemedicine Services ( Free Consultation)

Specialties : All

Book of an Appointment: Click Here

3. Apollo Hospital - Teleclinic Services

Specialties : All

Book of an Appointment: Click Here

4. Rajagiri Telemedicine Services

Specialties : All

Book of an Appointment: Click Here

5. eSanjeevaniOPD - National TeleConsultation Service ( Free Consultation)

Specialties : All

Book of an Appointment: Click Here

To know more about esanjeevaniopd registration process - Click Here

6. Kaveri Hospitals - Telemedicine Service

Specialties : Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Gastroenterology, General Medicine & Diabetology, Neurosurgery & Neurology, Paediatrics,Urology, Vascular Surgery

Book of an Appointment: Click Here

7. MIOT Telemedicine

Specialties : All

Book of an Appointment: Click Here

8. CMC Teleconsultation

Specialities : Not Specified - Contact the Particular Department to Know the Availability

Book of an Appointment: Click Here
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