PharmD Info

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Follow these procedures to get AIIMS Hospital Appointment Online, Through these procedure you can get teleconsultation from AIMMS hospital as a OPD patient.

1. Go to this NIC website - OPD Appointment - Click here

For Teleconsultation - Click Here

2. Select your State from the drop down list

3. Enter Your Unique Health Identification (UHID) ( Alternatively you can use your Aadhaar Number)

To register through your mobile number and Aadhaar Card - Click Here

4. Complete the Captcha and Proceed

5. Select the available date from the calendar ( See the below image)

6. Verify yourself using Aadhaar Number

7. Confirm the appointment to receive SMS

Getting AIIMS Hospital Appointment through Mobile Application

Install AIIMS Appointment application in your mobile - Play Store

Basic requirements for online appointment are
(1). Mobile number in which user will get the appointment details.
(2). Aadhar number of patient.

Step for appointment-

1. Verify yourself using Mobile No.

2. Choose Hospital / Department

3. Select date of appointment

4. Verify yourself using Aadhaar Number

5. Get confirmation sms
Last bumped by Admin on 23 Feb 2021, 22:07.
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