PharmD Info

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Open discussion forum about the Novel Corona Virus Disease and its management. Ask questions and get response from the experts to know the real facts about the disease.
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Convalescent Plasma Therapy

ASMA is a liquid part of blood which serves as a transport medium for nutrients and antibodies. When a patient suffers from a disease their body produces antibodies against it.

We cannot separate antibodies from plasma hence we take plasma from recovered covid -19 patients and give it to newly infected covid-19 patients. It is not definite cure for covid-19 but it acts as a plasma WBCs & platelet RBCS supportive therapy in covid patients in early stages of disease.

Who can take the plasma therapy?

Plasma Therapy is not for every patient. Patient with RT-PCR confirmed Covid-19 illness Patients in initial days of infection (7-14 days) Respiratory rate-<24/min Oxygen saturation- <93% at room air Patient who do not have lgA deficiency syndrome/lg allergy.

To know more follow the below link
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