PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Open discussion forum about the Novel Corona Virus Disease and its management. Ask questions and get response from the experts to know the real facts about the disease.
Forum rules: The material, content provided by this forum is for informational purpose only and is not intended for substitute to medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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True, male is more affected by COVID-19 than females as per findings,
Capture.JPG (10.44 KiB) Viewed 1330 times
The possible reasons might be,

1. Male might be having more exposure than females to COVID-19

2. Lifestyles - Smoking, Drinking and etc

3. Cor-mid conditions and other diseases ( Hypertension, Diabetes etc)

Definition: Hospitals are healthcare institut[…]

So, you've got your PharmD degree, and you're wond[…]

Introduction: Personalized medicine, also known […]

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