PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

State and City Wise List of Indian Pharmaceutical Companies from Telangana, Tamilnadu, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad and etc
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We are a boutique consulting firm providing Pharma Competitive Intelligence support to the Pharma/biotech industry. Here at CI Scientists, science is in our DNA. We inculcate the spirit of inquiry in all we do, disrupting the way CI is practiced in the Pharmaceutical/Biotech space.

We are here for you anytime, always! An email or phone call away.

Each day, we better our deliveries than the previous ones. Our solutions are customized with stringent process compliances in place. It helps us deliver strategic and actionable competitive insights in an efficient manner, making it a win-win story every time.

Consulting services – connecting the dots from data to intelligence:
a) Integrated monitoring – A continuous consulting service that monitors the market on a rolling basis, ensuring that you are aware of your competition.
b) Conference intelligence – Comprehensive coverage of global scientific conferences, both on-site and virtual.
c) Ad-hoc projects – Analyses ranging from promotional content, clinical trial info’, hypothesis testing, MOAs, etc., delivered with speed and accuracy.

Products customized for every client:
a) EazeeView – A web-based dynamic platform that hosts all your CI needs in a secure
b) AssetView – A 3-D, framework-based tool that enables your early-stage asset planning.
c) CliniView – The in-house AI-enabled global clinical trials database.

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