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NAPLEX Pharmacy Examination - Study Materials, Practice questions and answers, Pharmacy Calculations, Best Review Books and NAPLEX Discussion Portal.

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By Admin
The NAPLEX (North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination,) is a exclusively computer-administered standard exam created by the National Association of Board of Pharmacy (NABP) to help individual state boards of pharmacy assess an individual’s competency and knowledge so that he or she may be given a license to practice.

The exam consists of 185 questions and has a time limit of four hours and fifteen minutes, with an optional ten-minute break after approximately two hours. Of the 185 questions, only 150 are used to tabulate the applicant’s score. The remaining 35 are trial balloon” questions under consideration for inclusion on future NAPLEX tests.

Result of Exam will be display on the website of the state Board of Pharmacy after two business days of administration. A score of 75 or higher is required for passing.

The NAPLEX assesses whether a prospective pharmacist:

Can identify practice standards for safe and effective pharmacotherapy and optimize therapeutic outcomes in patients
Can identify and determine safe and accurate methods to prepare and dispense medications
Can provide and apply health care information to promote optimal health care
Anyone taking the exam is advised to read the NAPLEX/MPJE Registration Bulletin, which includes detailed information about the exam itself, the registration process, scheduling an appointment to test, and requirements on test day.
The fee for the NAPLEX is $505.

Kindly, download the attachment for registration criteria details

The NAPLEX/MPJE Registration Bulletin provides detailed information on both the NAPLEX and the MPJE and, among other things, includes:

Registration bulletin includes-
Testing appointment information
Test administration
Information on score results
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