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By Admin

Test is a multiple-choice admission test For admission to M.S. (Pharm.); M.Pharm.; M.Tech. (Pharm.); M.B.A. (Pharm.) conducted by National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) at S.A.S Nagar (Mohali). This center has been created as Centre of Excellence in imparting higher education, research and development in pharmaceutical sciences and is the first Institute of its kind in India. Government of India declared this Institute as a National Importance through an Act of Parliament, notified on 26th June 1998. The Institute is a member of the Association of Indian Universities and Association of Common wealth Universities.
In the year 2007 Government of India established four more NIPERs at the following locations with the help of mentor Institutes:-
Ahmedabad [Mentor Institute- B. V. Patel Pharmaceutical Education and Research Development (PERD) Centre],
Hyderabad (Mentor Institute- Indian Institute of Chemical Technology)
Kolkata (Mentor Institute- Indian Institute of Chemical Biology) and
Hajipur (Mentor Institute- Rajendra Memorial Research Institute of Medical Sciences)
Guawahati (Mentor Institute GMCH)
Raibareli (Mentor Institute CDRI)
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