PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments in the pharmaceutical industry on PharmD Info. Our forum offers insights, updates, and discussions on current events, research, and breakthroughs in the field.
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We are pleased to announce the official launch of our brand new website by our Respected vice Principal Dr. Md. Afzal Azam on 07.04.2015 at JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty!

We happy to share that this is the First Indian Forum site for the pharmacy professionals in India. We honored and highly motivated by the website registration of Dr.Ponnusanker, HOD, and Department of Pharmacy Practice. JSSCP, Ooty during the launch of our forum website.

We would like to convey our special thanks to Dr.Anand Vijayakumar, Dr.K.P.Arun, Dr.Raaja, Ms.Deepalakshmi, Ms.Roopa ,Ms.Gomathi, Mr.Hemnath for their valuable support and encouragements during the process of making this website.

This product is the result of a lot of effort made by our team of Department of Pharmacy Practice. Jss College of Pharmacy, Ooty over the past 5 months. Challenges includes Mainly setting the theme for of the Website, Security concerns, Adding features, Technical concerns, Targeting members and others.

We would like to highlight few features of this website.

1. Safety of members is highly focused and its taken care by the Moderators of the site.
2. Reputation or grading system to evaluate and to encourage the students/members.
3. Online chat facility to interact within the members
4. Website Theme options for your comfort Reading.
5. B.Pharm/Pharm.D/M.Pharm/Ph.D/Doctors/Patients Forums
6. Easy registration/login by using other social network ids
7. Email notifications or Whatsapp Notifications for the subscribed topics.

Our goal is to create a good platform in the web for the pharmacist to make networks within the profession and also with other healthcare professionals to develop his/her skills and relationship. Moreover we hope this will help Indian Pharmacist to directly Introduce them self to the society with a different role and responsibilities.

We highly appreciate your support and expecting more too. Keep posting and involve in discussions. Take some efforts to leave a topic on forum. This will help us more at this moment and future benefits from the forum will be for our profession and for us.

To register with the site.
Please click on
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