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Rajiv Gandhi university of Health Sciences Exams for Pharmacy May 2015 are announced to be Postponed and rescheduled. Pharmacy Exams (Pharm.D and B.Pharm) which are already in progress since May 19th. There has been slight change in the Exams on Dates 29th May 2015 and 2nd June 2015 as they are coinciding with the Gram Panchayat Elections in Karnataka State. It is announced that they will be Re-Scheduled to 4th June and 5th June respectively. Remaining Exams will be as per the schedule.

RGUHS Pharmacy exams on Election dates Postponed and rescheduled.

Below are the dates of exams rescheduled. Rest of the timetable is as per previously announced time table which can be found – Here.

Revised Exam Dates :

Doctor Of Pharmacy (Pharm.D, 6yrs)

Pharm.D 1st year Timings : 9 AM – 12 Noon

4th June – Inorganic Chemistry

Pharm.D 3rd year Timings : 9 AM – 12 Noon

4th June – Med chemistry

Bachelor Of Pharmacy (B.Pharm, 4yrs)

B.Pharm 1st year (RS3) Timings : 9 AM – 12 Noon

4th June – Inorganic Chemistry

B.Pharm 3rd year (RS3) Timings : 2 PM – 5 PM

4th June – Pharmacology I
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