PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Free Online Pharmacy Courses from OpenWHO, Uppsala, John Hopkins, Swayam, NPTEL in Pharmacy Practice, Pharmaceutics, Regulatory etc.

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The aim of this course is to introduce new users to VigiFlow and enable them to enter and structure ICSRs into the system.

It takes approximately 1 h to complete this course.

Time zone: Stockholm
Style: Self paced
Modules: 5
Certificate awarded
Category: Courses 2022 - PV centres

This course is only available to VigiFlow users. Please contact the manager of the national PV centre or the VigiFlow contact person to get the access code.

We strongly recommend you to complete the PV management system and terminologies course before taking this course. It will provide you with an introduction to MedDRA and WHODrug terminologies that are integrated in VigiFlow. Understanding their structure will support optimal use of VigiFlow.

Course syllabus

After the session, you will be able to:

  • Describe what VigiFlow is and some of its key functions
  • Identify some general principles of transferring data into VigiFlow ICSRs
  • Enter new ICSRs in VigiFlow
  • Locate and use Filters to change the contents of the Report list
  • Describe how to share ICSR with VigiBase

To Enroll - Click Here
Last bumped by Admin on 23 Jun 2022, 10:31.
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