PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Pharmacy Research Grants and Funding Agency Details for Getting National and International Scholarships, Fellowship, Travel Grants for PhD and Post Docs etc.
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Basic Biomedical Research Fellowship

This scheme is meant for newly qualified postdoctoral scientists who wish to undertake high-quality research and establish themselves as independent researchers in areas of biomedical sciences that is relevant to human and animal welfare.


• Applicants with -1 to 4 years’ experience post PhD

• Applicants in the final year of their PhD


• Total Project Budget — Up to ₹1.7 Crores
• Salary — Up to ₹10.3 Lakhs per year
• Contingency — ₹2.5 Lakhs
• Provision for recruiting one technical support staff, expenses for which have to be borne from the total project budget allotted

Additional expenses —


support for work outside the host institution up to 24 Months ($3000 per month subsistence in addition to personal support)

funding for travel to meetings up to ₹1.5 Lakhs/year

The duration of the fellowship is five years.

The applications launch during the month of July and close in the month of August.

Website ... ellowships
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