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Quality Assurance B Pharm Notes - Calibration and Validation, Warehousing, Complaints and Document Maintenance, Quality Control and Good Laboratory Practices
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Quality Assurance and Quality Management Concepts - B Pharm Notes Unit 1

1. Definition and concept of Quality control, Quality assurance and GMP
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(29.15 KiB) Downloaded 1198 times
(5.35 MiB) Downloaded 1291 times

2. Total Quality Management (TQM)
(1.06 MiB) Downloaded 1334 times

3.ICH Guidelines:purpose, participants, process of harmonization, Brief overview of QSEM, with special emphasis on Q-series guidelines, ICH stability testing guidelines
(63.39 KiB) Downloaded 1063 times

4. Quality by design (QbD): Definition, overview, elements of QbD program, tools

5. ISO 9000 & ISO14000: Overview, Benefits, Elements, steps for registration
(78.46 KiB) Downloaded 961 times

6. NABL accreditation: Principles and procedures
(432.91 KiB) Downloaded 905 times
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