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The Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement, which came into effect in 2005, significantly impacted the Indian pharmaceutical industry. TRIPS is an international agreement that sets out the minimum standards for the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, including patents. In this article, we will critically analyze the impact of TRIPS on the Indian pharmaceutical industry.

Background: TRIPS and Indian Pharmaceutical Industry

Before the implementation of TRIPS, India did not recognize product patents for drugs. Instead, the country granted process patents, which allowed Indian companies to manufacture generic versions of patented drugs using a different process. This helped to keep drug prices low and ensured that essential medicines were affordable and accessible to the masses.

However, TRIPS required India to switch to a product patent regime, which meant that Indian companies would no longer be able to manufacture generic versions of patented drugs without the consent of the patent holder. This was a significant challenge for the Indian pharmaceutical industry, which relied heavily on generic drug manufacturing to provide affordable medicines to the Indian population and the developing world.

Impact of TRIPS on Indian Pharmaceutical Industry

The implementation of TRIPS had a significant impact on the Indian pharmaceutical industry. The introduction of product patents made it difficult for Indian companies to manufacture generic drugs, as they had to obtain a license from the patent holder or develop a new process to produce the same drug. This resulted in a decline in the production of generic drugs, which affected the affordability and accessibility of medicines in India and other developing countries.

Additionally, TRIPS increased the cost of drug development and research, as companies had to invest in R&D to develop new drugs and obtain patents. This made it difficult for small and medium-sized Indian companies to compete with multinational companies that had more resources and expertise.

The impact of TRIPS was felt in the HIV/AIDS epidemic, where Indian companies played a critical role in providing affordable antiretroviral drugs to millions of people in the developing world. The introduction of product patents made it difficult for Indian companies to manufacture these drugs, resulting in a significant increase in the cost of treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS.

Measures taken by the Indian Government

To address the challenges posed by TRIPS, the Indian government introduced several measures to support the Indian pharmaceutical industry. These included:

  • The introduction of a process for compulsory licensing, which allowed Indian companies to manufacture generic versions of patented drugs in certain circumstances, such as a national emergency or public health crisis.
  • The creation of a patent pool for HIV/AIDS drugs, which allowed Indian companies to manufacture and distribute generic versions of patented drugs.
  • The establishment of research and development facilities to support the development of new drugs and technologies.


In conclusion, TRIPS had a significant impact on the Indian pharmaceutical industry, and the country had to adopt measures to protect its interests. While the introduction of product patents made it difficult for Indian companies to manufacture generic drugs, the measures taken by the Indian government ensured that essential medicines remained affordable and accessible to the masses. The Indian pharmaceutical industry remains a vital player in the global market, and the lessons learned from TRIPS have helped it to adapt to changing circumstances and remain competitive.
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