PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments in the pharmaceutical industry on PharmD Info. Our forum offers insights, updates, and discussions on current events, research, and breakthroughs in the field.
Forum rules: General rules are applicable for this forum- Find Here
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PharmD Info is an open online discussion forum dedicated to Indian pharmacy professionals. The goal of this website is to provide an effective communication web platform for the pharmacists to enhance their knowledge, skills, and extend their Inter-professional relationships through various online bulletin board discussions.

First, we would like to thank all the registered forum members for supporting us by involving in various forum discussions and giving your valuable inputs. Similarly, we expect other members also to actively involve and contribute to discussion topics to make the forum more effective and informative to all. Guest members are requested to make your registration and join in our Indian Pharmacist Online Discussion Forum - PharmD Info.

PharmD Info has EIGHT Major Forum Titles such as⁣;

1. Guest Lounge

New members/ guests start from here. This forum title will be helpful to understand the basics of forum and make your registration, introduce yourself to the group members. You can find answers for basic forum related questions from FAQs. Also, you can make request and join speciality forum groups based on your interest or current designation.

2. Pharmacy Courses (Open for all)

Members or guests can find and discuss various pharmacy courses related topics under this forum. We encourage members to post your question or provide answers related to PharmD, M Pharm, B Pharm, D Pharm, and Ph.D. and others. Add on Credential Courses related details, admission procedures and entrance exams, scope of pharmacy courses, curriculum and relevant topics under this forum title.

3. Pharmacy Study Notes (Open for Pharmacy Students and Academicians)

This forum is open for the pharmacy students, academicians and subject-matter experts. Registered members can upload and download pharmacy courses (PharmD, B Pharm, M Pharm etc.) related study notes or materials and documents. Additionally, you can find or upload or discuss Pharmacy Case Studies, Project related Discussions, Free Massive Open Online Courses, Question Banks for GPAT, NAPLEX, DI and other University related examinations related information's.

4. Pharmacy Practice (Open for the Practising Pharmacists, Healthcare Professionals and Patients)

We invite Clinical, Hospital and Community Pharmacists to join under dedicated speciality wise forums. Members can discuss and develop your understanding on pharmaceutical care services, treatment guidelines etc. In addition to that, we have made disease related forums for patients to discuss various health-related topics with pharmacists and other healthcare professionals.

5. Pharma Research (Open for the Researchers)

Researchers can join this open forum to make your discussions on fellowships and grants, online journal clubs, research publications, statistics and clinical trail updates etc.

6. Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (Open for Industrial Pharmacist)

It's a dedicated forum for pharmaceutical industrial specialists to discuss on various pharmaceutical guidelines and SOPs that includes regulatory GLP and GMP, Indian PCD Pharma Companies Directory, Pharmaceutical Instruments and Handling etc.

7. Pharmacist Jobs (Open for all the Pharmacists. Recruitment Agencies, Pharma Companies)

Members can find all pharmacy job related notifications from this forum. Course wise (B Pharm, PharmD, M Pharm) and Specificity Wise (Clinical Pharmacist, Pharmacovigilance, Medical Writing, Clinical Research, Faculty Jobs) Government and Private Job alerts can be posted by the company HRs and Recruiting Agencies.

8. Pharma Talk (Open for all Pharmacists)

Under this forum members can discuss and post topics related to pharmaceutical news, pharmaceutical conferences, workshops, and seminar related information's. In addition to that we have included dedicated Faculty of Pharmacy forum for the academicians to discuss various ICT enabled teaching methodologies and techniques, faculty development programs, NBA and NAAC Accreditation etc.

In addition to the above major forums, we have more than 75 sub-forums in our PharmD Info. Additional sub-forum titles can be made based your request to the moderators team. The information you share on the forum will benefit others and vice versa by sharing their knowledge and views. We would like to give a few hints for the individual teams/ members for making their active participation by generating the forum topics/contents etc.

General Instructions or Rules to the PharmD Info-Members

(Members are requested to note the followings before they proceed)

  • Members/Guest are requested to read and accept our privacy, terms of use, cookies, and GDPR policy before you proceed with our forum.

  • Make your topic or reply under suitable major or sub-forums. Find the live updated list PharmD Info- Forums List ---From Here

  • Your first 3 topics will be reviewed and required approval from the concern forum moderators to get published. Moderators may reject your topic if it's not relevant to the forum or other reasons. After 3 successful post in any forum, the concern member will be ranked automatically as “Regular Member” with special permissions.

  • Your topics will be verified by the system automatically for similarity check with the existing posted forum topics. The system may not allow your topic to get posted if already exist.

  • The Auto-pruning system is activated in selected forums, and your approved topic may be auto-deleted after the mentioned period of time. Auto-pruned topics and its related contents can't be recovered.

  • Based on your contribution, you will be rewarded with PharmD Info—BB Points. e.g; 50 BB Points for registration, and for each login 2 BB Points will be added into concern member account for FREE. To know more— -BBpoints

  • Make your own contents, avoid plagiarism and sharing copyrighted materials. Copyrighted material may be deleted by the admin or moderator without any notice and members will be issued with warning. Member who received more than 3 warnings will be listed under “Banned Members”.

  • Respect other member’s views and ideas even if it's not aligned with your ideas and make sure the decorum is well maintained, based on the warning counts repeated offenders will be blocked by the system automatically.

  • The content or message which are shared or discussed in practice, drug information and patient related forums are only for informational purpose only and is not intended for substitute to medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

  • Members can join in various PharmD Info – Teams such as; Academician, Pharmacovigilance, Clinical Pharmacist, Moderators etc. Visit -PharmD Info Team

  • PharmD Info website is purely meant for knowledge-sharing purposes only, and we don’t encourage members to discuss any sort of institutional or pharmacy governing bodies related to any other professional related issues.

  • Subscribe to the Forums/Topics to receive the updates and to continue your discussions, You will receive notifications through email or Push Messages.

  • Members can apply for moderatorship based on their level of contribution/expertise on the particular forum titles—To know more- -Follow Here.

  • We value your suggestions and ideas, and it will be taken it to considerations by the moderators of PharmD Info—Forum. Join us and invite your friends and colleagues to support our work.

  • If you have any technical issues or doubts, feel free to approach Admin or Mention your issues at -Suggestion forum

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