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Following the success of webinars held on November 27th, 2022, and December 16th, 2022, GAADS Learning is organizing another webinar on March 17, 2023. The medical writing webinar focuses on an overview of the drug development process and the scope of regulatory medical writing. The free webinar also offers perspective on the job prospects in the area of medical writing.

This session is for you if you are a: -
• Pharmacy graduate, Life Sciences graduate or a Medical graduate.
• If you are exploring upcoming new opportunities as a career path.
• If you read a lot and love writing medical and scientific information.
• If you work or planning to work in pharmaceutical, medical devices, clinical research, hospitals and healthcare industry.
• If you have heard about medical writing and are exploring to know more.

Key contents:
• Medical writing opportunities
• Drug discovery process?
• What is medical writing?
• Who is a medical writer?
• What do medical writers do?
• Types of writing?
• Types of documents medical writers write?
• Who can be a medical writer?
• Skills to be a medical writer
• Who employs medical writers?
• What is the salary structure of medical writers?

Register for the FREE WEBINAR visit this link:
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