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Pharmacy NBA Accreditation Related Discussions - NBA Procedures for TIER I and TIER II Pharmacy Colleges, Self Assessment Reporting and Forms.

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Pharmacy Under Graduate (UG) Program NBA - Self Assessment Report Format is Attached Here for your references.

NBA Pharmacy UG Program - SAR Format (Self Assessment Report)

Faculty: Pharmacy

Program : ALL UG Programs ( B Pharmacy)

Document Name: Self Assessment Report Format - SAR

Note: Applicable for all the programs, except those granted full accreditation for 5 years as per Jan 2013 Manual)

UG Pharmacy SAR Format TIER II Latest Version

Download Here

UG Pharmacy SAR Format TIER I Latest Version

Download Here

Sample SAR Report From other Pharmacy Colleges

NBA - First Time Report Example:

Nanda College of Pharmacy - Click Here

SNJBs Shriman Sureshdada JainCollege of Pharmacy - Click Here

NBA - SAR TIER II Example Report

Sri Venkateswara College of Pharmacy - Click Here

Swamy Vivekanandha College of Pharmacy - Click Here

NBA - SAR TIER I Example Report
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