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Re: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview"

 by Jemy R Joseph ¦  19 Apr 2020, 11:10 ¦  Forum: PharmD Project ¦  Topic: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview" ¦  Replies: 179 ¦  Views: 61393

What are the steps we can take to ensure high possibility of getting a research paper published in relevant journals?

2.Sensitivity analysis is performed for all key parameters in an analysis, in order to test the validity and robustness of the conclusion.

1. Sensitivity analysis is performed with assumptions that differ from those used in the primary analysis. Sensitivity analysis addresses the questions such as “will the results of the study change if we use other assumptions?” and “how sure are we of the assumptions?”

1. Sensitivity analysis is performed with assumptions that differ from those used in the primary analysis. Sensitivity analysis addresses the questions such as “will the results of the study change if we use other assumptions?” and “how sure are we of the assumptions?”

Definition: Hospitals are healthcare institut[…]

So, you've got your PharmD degree, and you're wond[…]

Introduction: Personalized medicine, also known […]

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