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Re: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview"

 by draja ¦  21 Apr 2020, 10:42 ¦  Forum: PharmD Project ¦  Topic: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview" ¦  Replies: 179 ¦  Views: 61399

What can i conclude with p value of 8e-05? @Gangula sravani In SPSS , the default precision of the P value is 3 decimals (0.000), In GraphPad Prism, SAS and R it is 4 decimals (0.0000). P values of 8e-05 is extremely low value , so it is highly unlikely you get such a P value. Plz check the data an...

Re: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview"

 by draja ¦  21 Apr 2020, 10:32 ¦  Forum: PharmD Project ¦  Topic: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview" ¦  Replies: 179 ¦  Views: 61399

How to interpret MANOVA in SPSS? @Messiah menoraj Procedure to do MANOVA in SPSS: Analyze > General Linear Model >Multivariate Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) is similar to ANOVA, except that instead of one numeric dependent variable, we have two or more dependent variables. It is concer...

Re: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview"

 by draja ¦  21 Apr 2020, 10:15 ¦  Forum: PharmD Project ¦  Topic: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview" ¦  Replies: 179 ¦  Views: 61399

When preparing our own questionnaire is it mandatory to validate those questionnaires,is yes,what are the criterias? Yes, if you want to use your own questionnaire you must validate it. There is a difference between data collection form and questionnaire. A questionnaire is some thing that you use ...

Re: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview"

 by draja ¦  21 Apr 2020, 09:57 ¦  Forum: PharmD Project ¦  Topic: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview" ¦  Replies: 179 ¦  Views: 61399

Is it necessary to use more than one analytical methods when comparing 2 variables? i.e is it necessary to include another statistical method if using chi square test or is only chi square test enough just to compare variables and find the dominant group. @Diya Varghese Wilson It depends on your re...

Re: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview"

 by draja ¦  21 Apr 2020, 09:06 ¦  Forum: PharmD Project ¦  Topic: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview" ¦  Replies: 179 ¦  Views: 61399

What is the most appropriate statistical analysis method that can be used for a cross sectional study. @Diya Varghese Wilson Its depends on your problem statement. In other words, on your research question. If you are interested to find an association for categorical variables, then you can use Chi...

Re: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview"

 by draja ¦  21 Apr 2020, 08:52 ¦  Forum: PharmD Project ¦  Topic: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview" ¦  Replies: 179 ¦  Views: 61399

Admin wrote: 15 Apr 2020, 13:46 Can you suggest a best online tool for sample size calculation?

You can use Open Epi, the following is the link []

Re: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview"

 by draja ¦  20 Apr 2020, 11:51 ¦  Forum: PharmD Project ¦  Topic: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview" ¦  Replies: 179 ¦  Views: 61399

Rupakrishnan wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 17:36 How to estimate sample size for genetic polymorphisms studies
You can calculate sample size using OpenEpi []

Re: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview"

 by draja ¦  20 Apr 2020, 11:48 ¦  Forum: PharmD Project ¦  Topic: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview" ¦  Replies: 179 ¦  Views: 61399

sutheeswaran wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 18:40 What statistical test has to be applied for finding the statistical signifance of 3 disease severe categories?
If you have numeric continuous variable and if your data is parametric , you have to use ANOVA

Re: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview"

 by draja ¦  20 Apr 2020, 11:46 ¦  Forum: PharmD Project ¦  Topic: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview" ¦  Replies: 179 ¦  Views: 61399

Galeti harshalatha wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 19:48 How do we calculate sample size and what based we have to select sample size?
You can calculate sample size using OpenEpi []

Re: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview"

 by draja ¦  20 Apr 2020, 11:44 ¦  Forum: PharmD Project ¦  Topic: Group Discussion - PharmD Research Project - An overview" ¦  Replies: 179 ¦  Views: 61399

What is the minimum sample size to be taken when categorization into 3 disease severe groups is required? Sample size depends on the objective of your study, in other words depends on your study design. In addition it depends on Acceptable level of significance, Power of the study, Expected effect ...

Definition: Hospitals are healthcare institut[…]

So, you've got your PharmD degree, and you're wond[…]

Introduction: Personalized medicine, also known […]

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