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Re: How the cancer stagings helps to decide best treatment?

 by Mithilapatankar ¦  01 Mar 2020, 12:07 ¦  Forum: Cancer Patients Forum ¦  Topic: How the cancer stagings helps to decide best treatment? ¦  Replies: 1 ¦  Views: 4056

Cancer staging is very important for planning the best treatment for that patient. Staging helps describe where a cancer is located, if or where it has spread, and whether it is affecting other parts of the body. Doctors often use diagnostic tests to determine a cancer’s stage. Staging may not be co...

Re: is hair loss a common side effect for all cancer drugs ?

 by Mithilapatankar ¦  01 Mar 2020, 11:38 ¦  Forum: Cancer Patients Forum ¦  Topic: is hair loss a common side effect for all cancer drugs ? ¦  Replies: 4 ¦  Views: 7911

No, not all chemotherapy drugs will cause hair loss. There are some drugs which rarely cause cancer. There are many different types of chemotherapy, and you may receive different strengths of chemo depending on your age, mode of treatment and outcomes. Common chemotherapy drugs that rarely cause hai...

Re: are diabetic patients prone to cancer ?

 by Mithilapatankar ¦  01 Mar 2020, 11:02 ¦  Forum: Cancer Patients Forum ¦  Topic: Are diabetic patients prone to get cancer ? ¦  Replies: 1 ¦  Views: 3830

Yes, according to the clinical studies,people with diabetes are at an increased risk of cancer but only certain types of cancer like liver,pancreas,endometrium,colon and breast cancer. The prevalence of developing these cancers in diabetic patients is 8-18%. The association may be due to shared risk...

I am a regular coffee drinker. I have 3 cups of coffee per day and I am already suffering from HTN. Will the regular intake of coffee affect my blood pressure?

Will diabetes lead to progression of hypertension?

 by Mithilapatankar ¦  28 Feb 2020, 22:49 ¦  Forum: Hypertension Patients Forum ¦  Topic: Will diabetes lead to progression of hypertension? ¦  Replies: 0 ¦  Views: 3515

I am a 43 year old diabetic patient for the past 6 years who is currently diagnosed with hypertension since the past one month. Will my diabetic condition affect my blood pressure? Is there any relation between hypertension and diabetes?

Definition: Hospitals are healthcare institut[…]

So, you've got your PharmD degree, and you're wond[…]

Introduction: Personalized medicine, also known […]

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