PharmD Info

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Chest pain, or what feels like "lung pain" can be an emergency for people with lung cancer. Not only are there many possible causes of chest pain related to lung cancer and cancer treatments, but people with cancer can develop heart disease as well. Nuetropenic fever can also be an emergen...

Some treatments for breast cancer can cause temporary infertility or make it harder for you to get pregnant after treatment ends. Other treatments cause permanent and irreversible menopause, which means you are permanently infertile. Chemotherapy may damage some of the eggs in your ovaries and may c...

Low hemoglobin levels a.k.a anemia can be caused due to the cancer condition itself or maybe even the treatment methods followed for the cancer. Taking a complete blood count (CBC) will help measure your hemoglobin level and other characteristics of your red blood cells (such as their size)and also ...

Re: 2:When should I get tested for cancer?

 by Maria Sony Paul ¦  01 Mar 2020, 11:39 ¦  Forum: Cancer Patients Forum ¦  Topic: 2:When should I get tested for cancer? ¦  Replies: 2 ¦  Views: 4083

An unusual growth near the abdominal area does not necessarily mean that you have cancer. For example, Crohn disease or bowel obstruction can cause many tender, sausage-shaped masses anywhere in the abdomen. Similarly, liver enlargement (hepatomegaly) can cause a firm, irregular mass below the right...

The important point to be noticed here is that lifestyle modification, however useful they are in preventing further complications in cancer and slowing the progression of the disease, they are only used to reduce the rate of cancer prolongation and cannot completely cure your cancer. For lung cance...

Re: What does stages of cancer mean..?

 by Maria Sony Paul ¦  01 Mar 2020, 10:50 ¦  Forum: Cancer Patients Forum ¦  Topic: What does stages of cancer mean..? ¦  Replies: 2 ¦  Views: 4422

The stages of cancer helps in predicting the size of the cancer tumor and how far it's spread. Most cancers that involve a tumor are staged in five broad groups. Other kinds, like blood cancers, lymphoma, and brain cancer, have their own staging systems. Stage 0 means there's no cancer, only abnorma...

Re: Vaccines for cancer

 by Maria Sony Paul ¦  01 Mar 2020, 10:46 ¦  Forum: Cancer Patients Forum ¦  Topic: Is there any Vaccines are available to treat cancer? ¦  Replies: 1 ¦  Views: 3535

Currently, there are no licensed blood cancer vaccines. Vaccines for leukemia (blood cancer), lymphoma (lymphatic cancer) and myeloma (cancer of the plasma cells) are still in development and available only in clinical trials. However, once the vaccine has been formed, not only will it boost the bod...

Re: Is cancer contagious?

 by Maria Sony Paul ¦  01 Mar 2020, 10:34 ¦  Forum: Cancer Patients Forum ¦  Topic: Is cancer contagious? ¦  Replies: 4 ¦  Views: 5638

In general, Cancer is not a contagious disease that easily spreads from person to person. The only situation in which cancer can spread from one person to another is in the case of organ or tissue transplantation and that too in very rare cases. If you have common cold, take care as you are at a hig...

What is white coat hypertension?

 by Maria Sony Paul ¦  29 Feb 2020, 12:44 ¦  Forum: Hypertension Patients Forum ¦  Topic: What is white coat hypertension? ¦  Replies: 2 ¦  Views: 4692

I am not a hypertensive patient but my father has been diagnosed with hypertension for the past 3 years. Recently, i came across an article of hypertension and was intrigued by the term white coat hypertension. I would like to know more about the same term.

Am I hypertensive if I show consistent high BP?

 by Maria Sony Paul ¦  28 Feb 2020, 23:16 ¦  Forum: Hypertension Patients Forum ¦  Topic: Am I hypertensive if I show consistent high BP? ¦  Replies: 1 ¦  Views: 3859

I m a man in my middle ages and I have been undergoing a lot of stress in my workplace and i think its been affecting my health. I have been experiencing lightheadedness and dizziness recently. Am i hypertensive? How should I confirm it?

Definition: Hospitals are healthcare institut[…]

So, you've got your PharmD degree, and you're wond[…]

Introduction: Personalized medicine, also known […]

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