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What is the difference between scoping and systematic review?

 by Rebinno De Alex ¦  03 Feb 2022, 16:51 ¦  Forum: Pharma Research ¦  Topic: What is the difference between scoping and systematic review? ¦  Replies: 0 ¦  Views: 804

If the authors have a question addressing the feasibility, appropriateness, meaningfulness or effectiveness of a certain treatment or practice, then a systematic review is likely the most valid approach. However, authors do not always wish to ask such single or precise questions, and may be more int...

Re: Can a face mask guard you against the coronavirus?

 by Rebinno De Alex ¦  09 Mar 2020, 21:26 ¦  Forum: Corona Infection - FAQs ¦  Topic: Can a face mask guard you against the coronavirus? ¦  Replies: 3 ¦  Views: 2600

It has been suggested wearing face masks could be useful if you're sick in order to prevent you from sneezing or coughing into somebody's face, mask that is used to stop getting an infection is sometimes not very effective because people take it off to eat, many times they are worn improperly (and) ...

Definition: Hospitals are healthcare institut[…]

So, you've got your PharmD degree, and you're wond[…]

Introduction: Personalized medicine, also known […]

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