PharmD Info

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Job Alerts for PharmD- Clinical Research Jobs like clinical research associate (CRA Jobs), clinical research coordinator, clinical trial assistant, clinical trial jobs.
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Vacancy in CMC for Pharm D Scientist B (Medical) for the Department of Paediatric Orthopaedics.

Job Code: 1409

Project Overview: This is an Indo-Swedish collaborative project, which involves novel allogeneic stem cell therapy in children with osteogenesis imperfecta.

Qualification: MBBS / Pharm D. To help with cell transplants, obtain patient consent; take personal care of patients and documentation in the postoperative period, serial follow-up.

Mode of Appointment: Project Mode.
Consolidated Salary: Rs.50,000 + 10% HRA.

Accommodation not provided. Applications to be done only through online application system.

Please log on to Link : "Vacancies". Hard Copies and Emails will not be accepted.

Applications will close by February 26, 2022 for Item 4.
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