Harmonized System (HS) Code for Pharmaceutical Products ( Medicines)

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Harmonized System (HS) Code are commonly used throughout the export process for goods. The Harmonized System is a standardized numerical method of classifying traded products. It is used by customs authorities around the world to identify products when assessing duties and taxes and for gathering statistics. The authority which is responsible for administration of HS code ...

Levels of Bloom's Taxonomy and Measurable Question Verbs

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Measurable and Non-Measurable Verbs: Revised blooms taxonomy questioning mainly focused on six levels of assessments on cognitive skills like remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. In order for an objective to give maximum structure to instruction, it should be free of vague or ambiguous words or phrases when setting the questions. Ex ...

Definition: Hospitals are healthcare institut[…]

So, you've got your PharmD degree, and you're wond[…]

Introduction: Personalized medicine, also known […]

PharmD Info - Highlights